Facial Plastic Surgery

Beverly Hills

What is a blepharoplasty?

Blepharoplasty (eyelid surgery) is where excess skin, fat, and muscle tissue are removed or repositioned from the eyelids to rejuvenate the area surrounding your eyes and rid your face of that tired appearance.  This carefully crafted procedure results in a refreshed, bright-eyed look.

Why Undergo an Eyelid Surgery?

As we age, the upper and lower eyes develop loose skin, which results in puffy-looking eyes. In addition, the quality and texture of one’s skin can change and become wrinkled. This is seen particularly due to damaging sun exposure. With the help of an upper or lower eyelid surgery, you can revive those eyes sagging, tired eyes and expose the vivacity you carry within. Even a few years ago, this cosmetic procedure required fairly aggressive removal of the patient’s skin, muscles, and fat.

This often led to a volume loss in the upper eyelids. Dr. Lee’s modern approach to blepharoplasty in Los Angeles is geared toward restoring a healthy, natural-looking upper-eyelid area by clearing away as little skin as needed, along with a certain degree of volume augmentation, so as to avoid a sunken or hollowed look. This newer approach creates a fuller eyelid to gain that desired look of youth and spirit.

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Upper Blepharoplasty

If you have drooping skin on the outer aspect of the eye area, this can also be addressed in an upper eyelid surgery. This drooping skin will leave a very fine line in the lateral hood region resembling that of “crow’s feet.” After removing any excess lax skin, the underlying fat is re-sculpted, carefully trimmed, and repositioned as needed. Dr. Lee's upper blepharoplasty will have a fine line incision placed in the normal crease of the eyelid that you currently possess, where it will practically go unseen.

Eyelid Surgery Before & After

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Lower Blepharoplasty

Dr. Lee generally performs lower eyelid surgery by placing the incision inside the eyelid. Here it is entirely unnoticed. This is a far more advanced method. An incision placed within the lower lid achieves a natural contour, as opposed to older, more aggressive techniques. Occasionally, Dr. Lee will remove lower eyelid skin by “pinching” the excess skin, which heals essentially unnoticeably within the lash line. Dr. Lee may also find it suitable to recommend reducing wrinkles with such treatments as laser surfacing or chemical peels for optimal results. Dr. Lee harnesses her skill and exquisite precision to deliver some of the best blepharoplasties in Beverly Hills has to offer.

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What are the benefits of eyelid surgery? 

Eyelid surgery can greatly enhance your:

  • Facial expression
  • Assists you in looking more youthful, refreshed, and well-rested
  • Combats upper lid ptosis
  • Resolves cosmetic imperfections in the lower lids, such as dark circles and puffiness
  • In certain cases, it can even help improve your vision

Incisions are well-hidden within the upper eyelid creases and lower lash lines, so scarring is not an issue. Overall, eyelid surgery in Los Angeles with Dr. Lee has the potential to increase your self-image and self-confidence, allowing you to feel more secure in your appearance both in person and in video conferences.

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Who is a good candidate for blepharoplasty in Los Angeles? 

The ideal candidate for eyelid surgery is troubled by sagging skin in the upper lids and discoloration, puffiness, and fat buildup in the lower lids. Blepharoplasty in Los Angeles may be called for when low-hanging upper lids distort your field of vision. Dr. Lee insists that all patients pursuing cosmetic surgery are non-smokers of sound mind and body who are not currently experiencing any uncontrolled medical conditions, such as hypertension or bleeding disorders. They should be undergoing blepharoplasty for themselves and not to please others. Lastly, patients should have realistic expectations for their outcome based on their private consultation with Dr. Lee.

What will my Recovery Entail? 

You will require about a week off of work after eyelid surgery. Expect to swell, bruising, and some discomfort. This will diminish after several days, slowly fading over the following week. Sleep on your back for 1-2 weeks to reduce swelling and improve the healing process. While glasses may be worn within a day of your procedure, you will need to wait for 10 days to two weeks before wearing contacts again. By 2-4 weeks after your surgery, you will be able to engage in strenuous exercise again and spend more significant time in the sun. 

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Over the last few years, I’ve noticed a substantial amount of fat accumulating under my eyes, resulting in unattractive puffy bags. I looked tired and/or like I had been crying even when that wasn’t the case. I saw Dr. Lee’s reviews and all of the positive feedback was accurate. She takes considerable time to understand your concerns and create the right plan for you. There was no pushy sales pitch or annoying efforts to upsell me. Her staff is very kind and professional, as well. I’m really happy with the results and will definitely be returning to Dr. Lee for any future procedures.


Why choose Dr. Lee’s for you blepharoplasty (eyelid surgery)?

Dr. Lee’s upper and lower blepharoplasty technique is based on her philosophy of creating a result that naturally fits your features without introducing a sunken eye appearance. Dr. Lee removes a minimal amount of fat and then repositions this tissue as needed into any areas that may appear hollow.

Furthermore, Dr. Lee places the incisions inside the upper eyelids to curve upwards on the corners to lift the corner hoods, rather than lower, within the folds of the sides of the eyes, which can lower the eyebrow. Eyelid surgery can be performed for strictly cosmetic reasons, as well as to improve one’s vision by lifting droopy eyelids out of the patient’s range of view.

Dr. Lee's eyelid surgery in Beverly Hills may be paired with coordinating procedures, such as a brow lift, facelift, or even Botox, to help reduce the appearance of wrinkles or dark circles under the eyes.

Dermal fillers can even out the hollowness between the lower eyelid puffiness and cheek area and are a great, easy alternative to surgery. That being said, dermal fillers do not correct the lower eyelid fullness or an abundance of skin. Dermal fillers don’t require downtime, so you can quickly return to your daily routines. However, the results only last about 1-1.5 years.

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Meet With Dr. Kimberly Lee

A graduate of the esteemed Stanford University School of Medicine, Dr. Kimberly J. Lee is a highly sought-after facial plastic and reconstructive surgeon, as well as an accomplished ear, nose, and throat specialist.

Learn More About Dr. Lee

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Your Results

The goal of an eyelid lift is to appear more refreshed and youthful. A consultation with Dr. Lee is recommended so that she may be able to determine which treatment will best serve your needs. Dr. Lee strives to deliver some of the best eyelid surgeries in Beverly Hills. If you want to discuss having an eyelid surgery or an Asian eyelid surgery in Los Angeles, you can contact us online. Or you may call the office directly, and one of our staff members will be able to assist you.


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