Facial Plastic Surgery

Beverly Hills

This can come about as a result of wearing extremely heavy earrings too often, or from a traumatic tearing of the lobe from an earring.  By having a torn earlobe repair, you’ll be able to wear earrings again with comfort and confidence. Dr. Lee strives for a look that is natural and functional. It is her extensive skill and attention to detail that gives her the tools to perform some of the top torn earlobe repair Los Angeles has to offer. Having a torn earlobe repair surgery is a fairly simple procedure, and can actually be performed in-office.

Stretched or Torn Earlobes

Stretched, almost torn, or even completely torn earlobes can appear unattractive and draw attention away from your other features. It has become very popular for some people to intentionally stretch their earlobes as a fashion statement, by wearing heavy earrings that create large, gaping holes in the earlobes, causing them to hang languidly. For others, stretched earlobes can be a result of an accident, or due to years of wearing heavy earrings.

Earlobe repair can be performed as a simple in-office procedure. Stretched or torn earlobe repair can help to either preserve or close a part of the original ear piercing. There is essentially no downtime after stretched or torn earlobe repair. Patients are frequently amazed at how much a torn earlobe repair can improve the appearance of their faces and restore attention to their attractive features.

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About Torn Earlobe Repair

Routinely, Dr. Lee performs earlobe repair surgery under local anesthesia, so that the patient may remain awake, while still feeling comfortable and at ease. Dr. Lee will administer a local anesthetic to numb your earlobes. She will then conservatively remove any portions of the ear piercing that may be scarred, before closing the area with small sutures to help minimize any scarring. Dr. Lee takes great pride in being able to deliver some of the best torn earlobe repair Los Angeles can offer. We recommend using an advanced scar management cream to minimize any visible scarring.  If you later elect to have your ears pierced again, you may feel free to do so once your earlobes have healed from the surgery.

"Both of my earlobes unfortunately tore and I wasn’t sure who to call to get them fixed. I did a quick search online and discovered that Dr. Lee received some positive reviews from other patients so I decided to set-up an appointment. Her team was very helpful and got me prepped for my procedure and ensured that everything was taken care of for me. When I met with Dr. Lee, she was very knowledgeable and ensured that my earlobes healed properly. I’m glad I decided to go to her to have my procedure done and would definitely recommend her to others."


Ear Keloids

Keloids as a result of ear piercings typically appear as scars that are thick, discolored, itchy, and abnormally raised. Ear keloids can be treated with steroid injections. That being said, if the ear keloids are persistent, they can be removed altogether, to help reduce the unsightly appearance and restore the appearance of your ears. Dr. Lee aims to give her patients impressive looking results from having torn earlobe repair surgery, as well as granting you the ability to wear earrings again if you so choose. If you’re interested in learning more about procedures such as torn earlobe repair in Los Angeles, you can contact us online. Or if you prefer, you are more than welcome to contact our office directly. One of our staff members will be able to answer any questions you have or help you set up a consultation.



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Meet With Dr. Kimberly Lee

A graduate of the esteemed Stanford University School of Medicine, Dr. Kimberly J. Lee is a highly sought-after facial plastic and reconstructive surgeon, as well as an accomplished ear, nose, and throat specialist.

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Plastic Surgery Saved My Life" – A Life-Changing Discovery - Read the Full Story



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